Understand unhappy customers and feedback inside betterbunch
It happens. Sometimes, things go wrong, and other times, customers just like to complain. Either way, it's super important to identify unhappy customers before they spread bad word of mouth. It's also a great opportunity to reflect on how you could do things better.
Different types of feedback
When a customer interacts with your betterbunch invitation, there are multiple ways they can express their sentiment.
- Customers can express their dissatisfaction with your service by selecting the unhappy button on your invitation. Each unhappy click will be recorded on your dashboard under the 'issues identified" section.
- Once a customer signals their dissatisfaction, they will be taken to a service recovery page, where they can share their experience privately with you. If the contact decides to provide feedback, it will be visible on the Feedback page located in the left menu of your dashboard.
- If you are utilising our promoter retargeting feature, customers who express satisfaction with your service but do not proceed to leave a review will receive a follow-up email 24 hours later. This email encourages them to either submit a review or share their feedback privately if they prefer. Any comments shared privately will be reflected on your Feedback page in the left menu of your dashboard, and the source of this feedback will be labelled as 'promoter retargeting.'
Responding to negative feedback
It's important that you take the time to respond to negative feedback shared inside the betterbunch platform. Not only does it show the customer you care, but it can also be a great learning opportunity, help reduce the spread of bad word of mouth, and may even turn the customer into a promotor.
Note: This helpful article provides guidance on responding to reviews posted on Google.
Follow these steps to learn how to respond to private feedback left inside the betterbunch platform.
Login to your betterbunch account
Head to the Feedback page on the left menu of your dashboard
- Click the Name of the customer you'd like to respond to
- Take the time to do your homework. Read the feedback comment and decide how you're going to approach the situation.
- Reach out to the customer by phone or send them an email from your email account or software.
Tip: To help keep track of your feedback, mark the review as unread, read, working or closed in the top right corner.
You can also make any internal notes such as "Sophie has called to explain their invoice and turned their frown upside down." Remember that your internal note is private and can not be seen by the customer.
Caution: Please note that you can not respond to negative feedback directly through the betterbunch platform. Instead, you should reach out to customers via phone or through your email software to address their concerns.