How to connect your simPRO account for Automation

In this article, you'll learn how to connect your simPRO account to betterbunch so you can make the most of Automation

If you are a betterbunch Pro plan user and use simPRO to manage your jobs, you can follow up with customers through Automation. Connect your simPRO account and watch your feedback invitations send automatically without needing to lift a finger.

There are different settings you can adjust to control when and how these requests are sent. Learn more about your simPRO automation rules here

Connect your simPRO account

  1. Login to your betterbunch account

  2. Head to the Automation page on the left menu 

  3. Click Connect to simPRO 
  4. Paste your SimPRO URL into the textbox and select Connect to simPRO
    Learn how to find your simPRO URL here
  5. Login to the simPRO platform pop-up that appears and follow the prompts to authorise the connection
  6. If you have multiple companies connected to your simPRO subscription, you will be asked to select which company you want to connect from the dropdown menu. 
    Select the company you'd like to connect and then Connect Company.

    Note: If you have one simPRO account that services multiple businesses/sites, you can connect your simPRO account to multiple betterbunch subscriptions at any given time.
    However, it's important to note that your betterbunch subscription can only be linked with one site at any one time. 
  7. Next, you'll be prompted to select your sending rules. Click the dropdown and select the job status that will trigger the generation of an invitation. 
    In other words, when a job in simPRO changes to the job status you have chosen, a follow-up invitation will be automatically generated

    Note: you can only select one job status at a time
  8. Next step. You need to select which contact to send the feedback invitation to. Click the dropdown and choose whether you want to send the invitation to the Company, Individual or Site Contact.

    Note that a Site contact is any contact that is marked as the Site contact inside the simPRO job record. 
    A Company contact and Individual contact are both determined from the Primary Customer Contact field within the job record.
    If the Primary Customer Contact field contains a contact record with a first name, then the contact is considered an 'Individual' contact.
    If the Primary Customer Contact field contains a contact record with a blank first name, then it will be considered a 'Company' contact. 

    Learn more about simPRO contacts here if you're not sure which contact you'd like to receive the invitation. 

    A final note. We recommend sending invitations to as many contacts as possible, as this is a great way to gather more feedback. Where possible, select all three contact records to receive invitations.  
  9. Then, click the dropdown menu and select when to send the feedback invitation. You can choose to send invitations at the following times:
    - 'Best time to send': betterbunch uses data to decide when your recipient is most likely to open and respond to the invite
    - 'Right away': This will send the message immediately after the trigger status has been met 
    - 'After delay': Here, you can choose to add a delay of X days so that a customer receives their feedback invitation X days after the trigger status has been met 
    - 'At specific time': Here, you can choose a specific time you would like your feedback invitations to be sent 

  10. Once you're happy with your simPRO sending rules, select Next 
  11. Next up, we need to set your exclusion rules. If you're using tags, zones or cost centres to organise customers in simPRO, you can use exclusion rules to block feedback invites from specific groups. 
    From the dropdown, select a category you would like to exclude. You can choose from: 
    - Tags 
    - Zones 
    - or Cost centre
  12. In the second box, type the category you would like to exclude from receiving feedback invites, such as 'mechanic'. 

    Note: this needs to be an exact match of the categories you have in simPRO. 
    You can have multiple exclusion categories at any one time
  13. Select Next 
  14. Now it's time to review your simPRO automation settings.
    Check that you are happy with the automation and exclusion rules you have set and select I'm happy with that setup, or you can return to the automation rules to edit by selecting Click here
  15. We always recommend sending a test invite to yourself to check that everything's smooth.
    To do this, you'll need to create a dummy job in simPRO using your name, email and phone number as the contact, then update the job to match the trigger status you have set. 
    When your sending rules have been met, you will receive your test feedback invitation

Remember, there are two ways to use betterbunch: proactively and reactively. Be sure to check out our suggestions on how to squeeze the most out of your subscription.

If you're looking for more ways to enhance or customise your simPRO automation settings, check out this article or simply reach out if you need a hand.