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Purge sensitive data

This article explains how to purge or delete sensitive data for privacy purposes

If your internal Privacy policy requires you to delete customer details from external sites like betterbunch, we can help you purge their data from our system. When this data is purged, sensitive data entries such as names, email addresses and phone numbers are replaced with 'Data removed'.

Just remember that if your sensitive data is purged, we can not offer our cool off period or block list features, as both services require the names and contact details to be available for comparison. 

How to turn on 'Purge sensitive data'

Follow the steps below to set up your Purge sensitive data settings. 

  1. Login to your betterbunch account

  2. Head to the Settings page on the bottom left of your dashboard

  3. From there, navigate to the Security tab  

  4. You will see a toggle at the bottom of the invitation page called Purge sensitive data
    Click the toggle to turn it ON
  5. Add the number of days you would like to keep the data into the after days textbox
    We recommend setting this at no less than 7 days 
  6. Click Save. Easy peasy lemon squeezy 

At betterbunch, we take your data and privacy seriously.
Feel free to check out the details of our Privacy policy here.