Block list explained

This article explains how to block customers from receiving invitations by adding them to your block list

If you have customers you'd prefer didn't receive follow-up invitations, you can add them to your blocklist which will block all invites from being delivered to them. For example, you may choose to add the email addresses of the accounts department or a cellphone number of a customer that has already given their feedback in a grumpy email (hopefully not). 

Adding one customer to the block list

Adding a list of customers to the block list

Just to note, if you use Automation, the invitation will be blocked behind the scenes without causing any disruption to you. Set and forget.
If you manually send your bulk invitations or single invites, you will be met with a pop-up notice letting you know that someone is on your block list. If you've had a change of heart and choose to send them an invitation, just select their name before hitting Send.

Also remember, if you use our Purge sensitive data feature, your block list settings will be impacted. You can learn more about Purging sensitive data here

Adding one customer to the block list 

Follow the steps below to add one customer to your block list.

  1. Login to your betterbunch account

  2. Head to the Settings page on the bottom left of your dashboard

  3. From there, navigate to the Block list tab 

  4. You can check your block list customers at any time by clicking You currently have X people in the blocklist  
  5. Type the customer's name, phone number and/or email address into the text boxes. 
    Note that you don't need to have all three pieces of information. You may add an email address only, or a name and phone number with no email, for example
  6. Hit Add Contact, and you'll see the block list number increase 
  7. Don't forget to click Save!


Adding a list of customers to the block list 

Uploading a csv. file is an easy way to enter a list of customers you'd like to add to your block list. The steps below explain how to add a group of customers to your blocklist at once.  

  1. Firstly, you'll need to generate a list of customers in a csv. file. Check out this article that explains how to format your list

  2. Login to your betterbunch account

  3. Head to the Settings page on the bottom left of your dashboard

  4. From there, navigate to the Block list tab 

  5. You can check your block list customers at any time by clicking You currently have X people in the blocklist  
  6. Select Browse or drag and drop your csv. file into the box 
  7. Hit Save. It's that easy!