Sending a test invitation

In this article, you'll learn how to send a test invitation to yourself and what to look out for

Whether you're new to betterbunch or you've just made a change to your betterbunch account, it's a great idea to send a test invite to yourself to ensure everything's running smoothly. 
We recommend doing this every time you tweak any settings within your account.  

Follow the links below to learn more. 

How to send a test invitation

What to check when reviewing your test invitation

How to send a test invitation 

Sending a test invitation to yourself is easy. 

  1. Login to your betterbunch account. 
  2. Navigate to Create Invitation on the top right of the dashboard. 

  3. Enter your first name and email address to send a test email. Alternatively, type your first name and cellphone number to send a test SMS invitation. 
  4. Hit Send Invitation and choose to Send now. 
  5. Done! Your test invitation will arrive in a few minutes. 

What to check when reviewing your test invitation 

When you send your test invitation, we recommend checking a few different things to ensure you're using betterbunch to its full potential. 

  • Our first recommendation is to test both SMS and email invites. While most invites are sent by SMS, some may be sent via email, and you want to make sure both are sharp. 
  • If you have written your own custom template, check for basic spelling, grammar and formatting errors. We're only human. 
  • Is your logo crisp, clean and sharp? If it's a little blurry or small, check out this article to learn how to update it. 
  • This one is important!
    Test the thumbs-up process to confirm that customers are directed to the right review site.
    It's rare, but some companies have multiple Google pages or competitors with similar names. You want to be sure you're directing customers to leave reviews on your profile and not a business in Germany with the same name.
    If you find your invitation leads to the wrong profile, update your review sites using the instructions found here.