Implementing betterbunch: How to send feedback invitations regularly

In this article, you'll learn different ways to integrate betterbunch into your office so that feedback invitations are sent regularly.

Maximising your betterbunch results is simple. Send as many feedback invitations as possible to the right people at the right time—and do it regularly!

This is what the winners are doing! 

To get the most from your subscription, it's important that we implement one of the success strategies below as soon as your subscription begins. Study the strategies below and get to work on introducing the one that best suits your systems and processes. 

Sending individual invitations at a specific point in your customer journey

If you have a low customer turnover, a complicated job management system, or a very personalised service such as brokering, you may choose to manually send feedback invitations to the customer at the end of every job. 

Manually sending an invitation is simple. Where it gets tricky is remembering to do it. 

Here is what we suggest. 

  1. Identify the point in your customer journey where your customer is most satisfied. This is what we refer to as the 'ah-ha moment,' typically occurring towards the end of their service.
  2. Identify who in the office will be responsible for sending invitations to customers when they reach this stage in the customer journey. You may choose to centralise the task and assign the responsibility to your admin team. Alternatively, you may decide that each staff member is responsible for sending their own invitations to the customers they assisted. 
  3. Add a step to your checklist or procedure called 'send feedback invitation'. This will serve as a reminder to send the invites when customers reach that stage of their service.
  4. Ensure the team members responsible for sending invitations are trained on how to send single invites. It's pretty intuitive and only takes a few seconds. 
  5. Save this page to your bookmark bar to make the sending process quick and easy.
  6. Schedule a weekly timeslot in your calendar to complete this checklist. 

Sending invitations to new customers weekly  

Strategy number two involves scheduling 15 minutes every week to send feedback invitations to every customer serviced in the past 7 days. Similarly to strategy 1, sending weekly invites is simple. The hardest part is forming the habit and sticking to it!

Here's what we recommend.

  1. Identify who in the office will be responsible for sending feedback invitations. We recommend centralising the task and assigning the responsibility to your administration team. 
  2. Your newly appointed champion needs to schedule a recurring appointment in their calendar to send feedback invitations. A 15-minute session on a Wednesday at 10 a.m, perhaps.
  3. Compile a list of every customer you have serviced in the past 7 days. 
  4. Either send invites to these customers one by one using the single invite method. This is great if you have a handful of customers to invite.
  5. Or export the list of customers from your job management or invoicing platform and send the invitations all at once using the .csv list sending method.
  6. Save this page to your bookmark bar to make the sending process quick and easy.
  7. Schedule a weekly timeslot in your calendar to complete this checklist. 

Automatically send invitations by connecting your job management or invoicing platform

betterbunch can integrate with a number of leading Job Management and Invoicing platforms.

Once connected, betterbunch will detect when your service or job is complete and automatically send a feedback invitation to your customer on your behalf.

Automation is only available on our Pro Plan. If you're a Starter plan user interested in Automation, let us know, and we'll see what we can do to help.