Promoter retargeting explained

In this article, you'll learn what promotor retargeting does, how to set it up, and, most importantly, how it can help increase your interaction rates

If a customer interacts with your invitation by clicking thumbs up to show they were happy, betterbunch identifies them as a promoter.  If 24 hours go by and they haven't proceeded to Google or your chosen review site, promotor retargeting will send them a cheeky reminder email with the intention of catching your customer at a better time.

This is a great way to help increase conversion rates and grow your great online reputation. 

Just a reminder, the promotor retargeting message will be sent via email only, so to make the most of this feature, you will need to include an email address in your invitation uploads or invoices linked with Automation. 

What does the promotor retargeting email say?

How to turn promotor retargeting ON or OFF

What does the promotor retargeting email say? 

The promotor retargeting email is simple and to the point. Just to note, this message isn't customisable.

How to turn promotor retargeting ON or OFF

From your betterbunch Settings, you can choose to turn promotor retargeting ON or OFF for all invitations. This setting applies to all invites sent via the single invitation method, bulk invite method, and automation.

Here's how. 

  1. Login to your betterbunch account

  2. On the bottom/left of your screen, click the Settings page
  3. Click the Rules tab, which will display your invitation preferences
  4. Turn the promotor retargeting toggle ON or OFF
  5. Don't forget to click Save to seal the deal